the jurnal of my life

Dienstag, 17. März 2009

20 Top Peoples

1. My big family :)
2. Muhammad Radityo Hendarso
3. Akbar Anas
4. Zulfah Fadhillah
5. Latifah Nurrachman
6. Sania Gina Andrea
7. Yunita Tri Lestari
8. Rangga Detria Wala
9. Bagus Abimanyu
10. Mahisha Sampurna Adhi
11. Fajar Suryanto
12. Anas Binazar
13. Farida Nur Suraia
14. Tridela Muktiningrum
15. Ananda Putri
16. Cynthia Jayanti Sari
17. Ahmad Ghozi
18. Isuda Arya Perdana
19. Delfa Elfauza
20. Fitria Vestianingrum

1. How did you met 10 & 20 ? 10 : i've met him in X-D :) 20: dia mantan pacar om gue hehe
2. What would happened if you never met 2 ? we never had a relationship i guess
3. Have you ever seen 6 cry ? udaaaaah gara-gara cwonya haha
4. Are 9 &14 like sister and brother ? ENGGAKlaaaah kenal aja enggak haha
5. Describe 8! he is my ex boyfriend, kind, clever, funny, friendly
6. What happened if never met 1 ? buseeeeet ya ga bakalan ada gue sekarang haha
7. Do you think 4 & 5 is attractive ? BANGET
8. When was the last time you have talked to 12 ? last saturday
9. Who you choose to hang out ? all of them
11. What is the best thing about 16 ? she's very kind :)
12. Have you ever kissed 3 & 5 ? NO AND NEVER
13. What the best memories you have with 10 ? Bikin film Kancut Terbang
14. When was the last time 19 shared with you ? lupa hehe
15. Are you really love 2 ? Yes i love him so much hehe :p
16. Have you been to canteen/library with 17 & 18 ? kagak pernah
17. What the worst thing about 11 ? kalo diajak cerita malah asik sendiri haha
18. If you could change one thing about 14,what would it be ? jangan terlalu rajin
19. What the first think when you met 10 ? kocak haha
20. Who has a funny face ? AHMAD GHOZI dong jelas hahaha. lol.